The Broke Bingo Addict
This is a podcast for bingo lovers. By following my adventures, you'll learn about playing bingo for cold, hard cash. You'll also learn key terminology, basic rules and everything that's going on in the wild and crazy world of bingo.
93 episodes
Bingo Here, There and Everywhere!
Just when you think you've heard it all, you find out IKEA is hosting free bingo events. Yes, bingo is branching out to atypical locations across the country, and this change isn't limited to the US or to department stores. Check out some of th...
Season 4
Episode 23

A Bingo Event Trifecta
Win, lose or draw, playing bingo is always a good time. The fun can be amplified when bingo halls or casinos host special events. With several happening throughout the year, this episode covers three that I was able to attend recently. They wer...
Season 4
Episode 22

Chatting with Bobbie Fortier the Bingo Caddy Creator
These days playing bingo involves more than just paper and a dauber. Now you have to deal with strips as well as a variety of pull tabs, including all plays, instants and horse races. In an effort to keep it organized, the bingo caddy was creat...
Season 4
Episode 21

Some More Bingo Chit Chat!
Sometimes there's just so much going on in the world of bingo that you forget to mention some notable events. A couple of those that were missed last time have been included in this episode. There are also a few little bingo related issues bein...
Season 4
Episode 20

Upcoming Bingo Events - When & Where
Talk about your win-win situation. Not only are the holidays approaching, so are several exciting bingo events. Included among them are AJ's San Antonio Roundup, Foxwood's Oktoberfest High Stakes and Southpoint's Two Million Dollar Extravaganza...
Season 4
Episode 19

Reyna Gives The Tea For Bingo Rocks PA!
Are you ready for a good time? Well, there is definitely going to be one at the third annual Bingo Rocks PA! The event is happening in Pottstown, PA on September 21st and 22nd. Reyna, one of the organizers, was kind enough to give us all the de...
Season 4
Episode 18

What's So Special About Bingo?
Bingo is one of the most popular games in the world. As it continues to grow, you have to ask yourself, what makes it so special? Why do people play it over and over again? Sometimes spending hundreds of dollars with no guarantee of winni...
Season 4
Episode 17

A Few Bingo Does And Don'ts
The basics of bingo are pretty simple. Get the right numbers before the other guy and yell bingo. But with so many bingo halls out there, it's good to keep a few other things in mind. As the saying goes, "knowledge is power." You don't want to ...
Season 4
Episode 16

Ruben Returns To Talk About Bell-Jeff Bingo Reopening
For anyone who thinks it's easy to run a bingo hall, it's not. There's a lot more that goes into it than most people realize. After closing in 2020 due to Covid, Bell-Jeff Bingo in Burbank has finally reopened. This is due in la...
Season 4
Episode 15

Somewhere There's A Bingo Player...
Recently Tonya, aka Confessions of a Bingo Addict and Bingo_Addict on TikTok, has been posting observations about bingo players. I'm sure, like me, there are several bingo players out there who can relate to them. Check out some o...
Season 4
Episode 14

Let's Talk About Strips
Bingo players tend to give pull tabs all the love, but strips also deserve some appreciation. Yes, pull tabs can have some major payouts these days, but strips can have impressive winnings as well. Plus, strips have the added advantage of...
Season 4
Episode 13

Bosco Tech's Summer Shake Up 2024
Located in Rosemead, California, Bosco Tech had its Summer Shake Up 2024. This Western themed event saw bingo players coming in from across the country, including Pennsylvania, Texas and Hawaii. The hall's manager, Paul and his staff worked har...
Season 4
Episode 12

Bingo Events Are Coming! Bingo Events Are Coming!
Year after year, there are a variety of bingo events across the country. Giving bingo players the opportunity to play the game they love, visit with friends and, of course, to win money. This week's episode gives a brief overview of notab...
Season 4
Episode 11

A Little Bingo Mashup
There are a couple of things to chat about. One of them being how upsetting it is to miss your bingo. That could be because you felled to yell bingo or because the caller didn't hear you. Either way, it's beyond frustrating. Another thing is ho...
Season 4
Episode 10

Bingo Swag Overload
It's amazing how much bingo swag is available these days. This includes daubers, dauber toppers, t-shirts, organizers and tumblers, just to name a few. All of which can be personalized with things like your name, your favorite sports team or sp...
Season 4
Episode 9

Chatting with Don of @datdammdaddiii
As has been mentioned before, today's bingo is not your grandmother's bingo. It's more than just a bunch of little old ladies in the church recreation room. It's made up of all kinds of people, including men, women and children. One of my...
Season 4
Episode 8

The Highs and Lows of Playing Bingo
Everyone loves to yell bingo, but sometimes it's not in the cards. No pun intended. So what to you do when you're riding a losing streak. Do you take a break from playing or do you just keep going? Check out some of the ways Bingo players try t...
Season 4
Episode 7

To Yell or Not To Yell Bingo!
Whenever there's a large group of people, it includes a large group of personalities. This is definitely the case in the bingo community, particularly when it comes to making noise. Some people like to yell bingo loud and proud, some people lik...
Season 4
Episode 6

50 Fun Facts About Bingo
As one of the most popular games across the globe, a British website called hityah.com compiled a list of 50 bingo facts. Some of them are specific to online bingo, but they are all interesting. Some of them are even surprising. Wait until you ...
Season 4
Episode 5

Overview of Bingo Palooza 2024
Pulltabs, pulltabs and even more pulltabs! That's one of my takeaways from the recent Bingo Palooza 2024 held at H-Town Bingo in Houston. Another one is fun, fun, fun! More than just bingo, these types of events are also about traveling to new ...
Season 4
Episode 4

Chatting with Crystal Rice
It never ceases to amaze me how much there is to still learn about the bingo community. Going up North to play was an eye opening event. During that trip, the multi-talented Crystal Rice brought some interesting differences to my attention. In ...
Season 4
Episode 3

A Little Bingo Economics
Bingo has been around for centuries and continues to grow, but it has seen some changes. One of the most notable being the amount of money that can be won. There are also big changes in what it costs to play. This episode weighs some of the pro...
Season 4
Episode 2

Let's Get This Bingo Party Started Again!
How time flies when you're having fun. Still, it's hard to believe we're starting season four. To get things going, here's some information about upcoming bingo events and a key takeaway from my recent attendance at the 8th anniversary for Winn...
Season 4
Episode 1

Ending The Year With A Bang!
There are so many things to enjoy about playing bingo. That includes spending time with good friends and making new ones. But the absolute best thing is when you get to utter these words, "I GOT IT." That's especially true when you'...
Season 3
Episode 24

Chatting with Pressure of @bingowithpressure
The bingo community is as diverse as it gets. It's filled with fabulous people of every age, race and religion. In addition to numerous bingo halls across the country, TikTok's bingo influencers are contributing to the growth of the community. ...
Season 3
Episode 323