The Broke Bingo Addict
This is a podcast for bingo lovers. By following my adventures, you'll learn about playing bingo for cold, hard cash. You'll also learn key terminology, basic rules and everything that's going on in the wild and crazy world of bingo.
The Broke Bingo Addict
Ruben Returns To Talk About Bell-Jeff Bingo Reopening
Shari Flaugher
Season 4
Episode 15
For anyone who thinks it's easy to run a bingo hall, it's not. There's a lot more that goes into it than most people realize. After closing in 2020 due to Covid, Bell-Jeff Bingo in Burbank has finally reopened. This is due in large part to the efforts of Ruben Alvara, the manager (and our prior guest). Listen to what he has to say about how it's going.